fzf + SSH Config Hosts

󰃭 2024-10-10 | #linux #ssh #tips

SSH has a nice feature in which you can store aliases for frequently accessed hosts. Combining this with fzf, you can have a nice quick shortcut to quickly pick a server to connect to into. This comes in very handy if you need to ssh into different servers and forget their IP or hostname often. Here’s a sample ssh config file (normally located at ~/.ssh/config): # see https://man.openbsd.org/ssh_config.5 for all the available configuration settings Host runner-staging HostName 10.

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Using AsyncLocalStorage for Better Traceability in NodeJS Applications

󰃭 2024-09-29 | #javascript #nodejs #tutorials

NodeJS has a neat API called AsyncLocalStorage. It’s used to share information across callbacks and promise chains. For example, it is useful to share information for all the code executed when serving a web request. I also found it very useful to keep trace information to easily keep track of which item was being processed during a batch process. The only caveat in my opinion, is that you need to wrap your code in yet another callback.

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Starfield visualization in JavaScript

󰃭 2024-08-31 | #canvas #javascript #programming-projects #tutorials

This is a simple, straightforward implementation of a visualization reminiscent of the classic Windows 95 starfield screensaver. It is also interactive: you can touch the screen or use the accelerometer to influence the direction of the movement. This is how it works: Create a bunch of particles (100), each in a random position. Every frame, move each particle further away from the center*. The further the particle is from the center, the more visible it will become.

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Migrating From DokuWiki to Obsidian

󰃭 2024-08-18 | #dokuwiki #obsidian #refactoring

About a year ago, I decided to move all my personal notes from DokuWiki to Obsidian. DokuWiki is great software and has served me well, but I never utilized it to its full capacity. It’s biggest strength is that it’s a… wiki, and I was the sole user. It made little sense for me to keep a service running when I could just have some Markdown files locally. And Obsidian provides a really nice UI on top of those Markdown files.

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How to use Let's Encrypt certificates with Keycloak

󰃭 2023-01-04 | #java #keycloak #letsencrypt #linux #tips #tutorials

Keycloak provides user federation, strong authentication, user management, fine-grained authorization, and more. Here is a guide to enable HTTPS access to your Keycloak server using a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. The beauty of Let’s Encrypt is its ease of use and the fact that it’s free! This guide assumes you have already installed Keycloak at /opt/keycloak/ using the official guide for bare metal installs, and now you want to enable HTTPS access.

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