Project Euler

󰃭 2013-03-12

I started doing the Project Euler problems last weekend. So far managed to get to problem 10.

I have realized how much I suck at math, and now I want to learn more. I know people with knowledge in math will probably laugh at my solutions, I really feel like I half-assed most of them so far.

Those with knowledge in math will probably find the problems easier than those with knowledge only in programming… Being good at math makes you a better programmer.

Did I mention I’m trying to program the solution to each problem in a different programming language? Last one I used was pascal. Never had used it before. It’s a horrible language, I’m glad I don’t have to use it ever again for anything.

By the way, every time I solve a problem I will updated my github repo. Check it out here. Feel free to critique!

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